Top Ten Security Tips

  1. Are you surveillance savvy?  Who can see through your windows? Install blinds or reflective glass.

  2. Can you see who’s at your door before opening it? Is the route from your car to your door clear? Is the access from your car to the road clear?

  3. Consider your daily movements do you have a routine? Do you drive to work the same way? Do you eat at the same place at the same time?

  4. Consider how much of your life you share on social media? Where possible restrict knowledge of your family, valuables and security measures.  

  5. Do you boost your security measures when you have to leave your loved ones at home? Consider monitored, alarms, CCTV, house sitting & residential security services. Also consider reviewing your home security measures or use a reputable security consultant to check all your security requirements have been covered and that all areas of exit and entry are up to the job.

  6. Don’t help others to harm you. Adopt simple crime reduction measures. Lock ladders away, keep tools secure. Lock your garage and outhouses; don’t leave keys house or car on display. 

  7. When driving make sure you have enough room to manoeuvre around the vehicle in front. Do not tailgate especially in slow traffic. When driving in built up areas keep windows and doors locked be alert at junctions and in slow moving traffic. When the weather is hot use your air con DON’T wind your windows down. Avoid highly personalised number plates and consider using a security driver or close protection operative if you feel you or your family is at risk.

  8. Do not leave personal data on display; ensure you shred papers with your account details. When using a card cover your pin code. DO regularly check that your accounts are not being used for small item purchases that would not normally trigger suspicion.  

  9. Do not leave yourself vulnerable online, do not share passwords, think who has access to video, Wi-Fi etc.

  10. If you go away let a neighbour know, use timers on the lights in your house, and cancel any deliveries such as milk and newspapers. Leave one car on the drive indicting that there is someone in the house.